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Da history

First there was nothing, and then there was da Those who know. but before that there was Moth motel and 6th grade garageband project, except we talk about neither of those. but in 2020 avery and fred were bored because of global health crisis and because of that they listened to Music and because of that they liked ajj and the mountain goats and neutral milk hotel. so because of this in february 2021 they bought a guitar which was a lot better than the ukulele and from then on it was Da history.

Snage mage

at first avery and fred did not make music because musicians are lazy freeloading scumbugs. but then avery met Anna minty and joem the railway and cuppa mugson and Sebastian and they were chillers so he decided to do it.
as he learned guitar avery wrote snage mage because he liked the word(s). but after several problems including not knowing how to record and Snail mail existing (Fuck you) this did not actually happen. This was the era when avery and fred played with Nicolai (Drums) who was actually kitted but this era is unfortunately no more. Snage demos exist but they are not in circulation. Perhaps someday da snage shall make a return. But the mage persists and is a rather chill fella.

Pilgrim mage

in this time avery also found 4chan and this was devastating for avery in many ways. perhaps the most horrible of these is that it made them make music. Kakat was recorded for the album Alaskan strip club food by anonymous music collective Have you ever taken a really dirty shit (feat. Train Gangg) (Avery was in Train Gangg) and from then on it was Da history. eventually avery had a lot of songs on a lot of albums but none of them were the Avery album so they decided this was necessary. enter Pilgrim mage. at first avery worked on this silently and did not tell anyone about it except fred but then he told everyone about it and it got annoying.
also see: Ultimate Dubs Alliance Organization Unite
also see: Duckrave 444

Songshan / before you went to college

avery also liked worst party ever so they copied their music but worse. He was so emo, he even had the hair. this led to the creation of songshan. in late 2022 they put avery on the medication, but he did not like this very much. this inspired Before you went to college, as well as it having currently been the time before one goes to college. by this point avery had realized that fred was not real, so dillon helped with this one, and it was also by Dungeons hole. however, both dillon and avery are lazy cunts and the album did not release until Kainon actually went to college. by then avery did not like songshan that much so some of the tracks were salvaged and compiled onto the original Before you went to college which avery gave to kainon on cd.

Ool by dog

This album was technically by Dog but secretly those who know made it. it was recorded mostly by avery because dillon moved out but he sent avery a track from georgia and then some Evil dog recordings were gathered during the November 2023 Return of Christ (Dillon). by this time avery no longer had the hair, so it was mostly normal. This project also marked the start of untitled Gavin project because Avery went to pomona for the widowdusk show and then gavin made him make music. originally the album was going to be by Hill (With Forest) but then kainon gave avery an awesome photo of Dog and young beef at the Ool and from then on it was da history.


in april 2024 dillon went to visit ian in Pennsylvania and then avery decided he was also visiting ian in Pennsylvania. ians apartment had no furniture in it so avery and dillon recorded using the Mike on the floor and that is why it sounds like shit. then ians cat pissed on averys clothes so he left. but before that ian made them all watch the entire extended edition lord of the rings trilogy and this drove avery to madness which is why he recorded lothlorien. avery has yet to recover and the next album will be called Smeagol.
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